a cat getting a dental exam

Dental Care

If you don’t brush and floss your teeth every day, you could end up with cavities or worse. The same applies to your pet; without daily treatment and routine veterinary dental cleanings, their mouth will become a hot spot for bacteria. This bacteria can cause painful infections and lead to dental disease, one of the most common clinical problems affecting both dogs and cats. For the most comprehensive cat and dog teeth cleaning, our team in Round Lake can help you set up a doable dental healthcare plan.


Even if your pet is currently struggling with dental disease, our hospital is well-equipped to treat the problem. We perform all dental procedures with pets under general anesthesia to ensure thoroughness, safety and minimal discomfort. Furthermore, we have the resources to help prevent dental disease for the long term; our services provide essential maintenance to keep plaque and bacteria at bay.

These services include:

  • Pre-dental blood work to check organ function and identify possible safety risks
  • Placing your pet under general anesthesia for a full oral exam
  • periodontal exam to probe the pockets around the teeth for signs of infection
  • Digital dental X-rays to look for damage in the teeth and under the gum line
  • dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar and polish tooth surfaces
  • Tooth extractions if needed to treat loose, broken or decaying teeth


Pets don’t like to show when they’re in pain. In fact, it is typical for them to try to hide it. Even so, there are several telltale signs you should watch out for if you think your pet has dental issues:

  • Exceedingly bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Gums that are red and inflamed
  • Brown/yellow discoloration on the teeth
  • Teeth that are loose or showing signs of breakage and/or decay
  • Swelling of the face/muzzle
  • Dropping food when trying to eat
  • Less active than usual
  • Reluctant to chew or play tugging games


To keep your pet’s teeth and gums in the best condition, they should have an at-home dental care routine that supplements their periodic cleanings at our hospital. Ideally, this should include brushing their teeth daily and giving them dental chews and/or treats. We also recommend a tartar control diet to reduce plaque buildup. If your pet does not take to having their teeth brushed, there are always other options you can try.

Pet Dental Care Near You

Do you need help with your pet’s dental care regimen? Need to schedule an oral exam and cat or dog teeth cleaning? Call us at (847) 270-0880 to speak with one of our team members or Make An Appointment online!

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